Competitive Pricing

Act Now! Limited Time Offer

Get started with DOOH advertising at CityPulse for as low as $500 per week, offering you a cost-effective way to make a big impression.
Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Contact CityPulse Advertising today and let us create a dynamic DOOH campaign that drives results in St. Albans!


Available Ad Spots

Short Ad Spots (10-15 seconds):

These are ideal for quick, impactful messages. They work well for promoting a specific product, service, or event. Keep the content concise and attention-grabbing.Make sure the pacing remains engaging.

Medium Ad Spots (15-20 seconds):

These allow a bit more time to convey your message. You can include additional details or showcase a product’s features. Make sure the pacing remains engaging.

Longer Ad Spots (20+ seconds):

While less common, longer ad spots provide ample time for storytelling or in-depth information. Use them strategically for brand awareness or complex messaging.

What is Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) Advertising?

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) is a modern form of advertising that uses digital media to reach audiences in public spaces. It combines the physical presence of traditional outdoor billboards with the dynamic capabilities of digital technology. DOOH allows for real-time content updates, audience targeting, and interactive features, making it a powerful tool for engaging consumers on-the-go..

Benefits of DOOH Advertising

  • High Impact & Visibility: Dominate the St. Albans landscape with high-definition digital displays strategically positioned for maximum impact. Our stunning visuals and dynamic content leave a lasting impression and ignite brand recall.

  • Frequency & Repetition: Increase brand awareness and message recall through repeated exposure to your target audience.

  • ● Measure More Than Impressions. Drive Action.: Go beyond basic metrics with CityPulse Advertising. Track user engagement through QR codes and interactive SMS offers, gaining valuable insights to optimize your campaign.

  • ● Integration with Digital Marketing: Seamlessly integrate your DOOH campaign with your other digital marketing channels for a holistic approach.

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